The JavaScript generated, is very far from idiomatic... I wouldn't envy the poor guy who would have to debug this...
The description doesn't even talk about the many problems of JavaScript, and says nothing about the shortcomings of foreign language traspilation. In short, a very amature looking website, it seems... I don't know about the actual quality of the code's utility, but it makes a very poor job at selling itself... The whole story of foreign-language JavaScript transpilers, is a very sad and problematic story. The 2 main issues are: 1. Debugging - You end up having to become the transpiler yourself, by learning what it does, so you could be able to debug the generated code - and it's almost never idiomatic code to have to work with later... This only is starting to "somewhat" be solved with "source-maps". 2. The huge amount of existing usable and valuable JavaScript code that exists today, that becomes unusable - or at the very least - uncomfortable/over-complicated to use. The only kind of solutions that I found thus far that give a somewhat "sane" balance between extensibility, ease-of-debugging, and ease-of-reuse-of-existing-code, are the kinds that do transpiling from a "super-set" of the the target-language. In JavaScript, the two prominent solutions I found are Tracure and TypeScript (with a definite preference to the latter): On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 4:32 AM, Bruno Rocha <> wrote: > Looks like PyJaCo works much better, even supporting classes. > > > > -- > > > > --