I will try to do it, but, since I have confidential data I don't know if I 
will be able do it. Meanwhile I will try to make a fresh app and go step by 

El domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012 18:19:42 UTC+1, Niphlod escribió:
> On Sunday, December 30, 2012 2:33:42 PM UTC+1, Wonton wrote:
>> But it's strange. I have all this code inside my default.py controller, 
>> inside web2py. 
>> Indeen, these 2 lines:
>> query = db(db.table.field1=='What I am looking for')
>> query.update(field2='hello')   
>> work perfectly even without the db.commit().
> Ok
>> But, this code:
>> query = db(db.table.field1=='What I am looking for')
>> deletedRow = query.delete()
>> is not working if I don't use the db.commit() instruction. I mean, it 
>> seems that the deletion is ok, it doesn't crash and doesn't return any 
>> error, but the database is not modified.
> Please post your model and the controller as attachments (or the app if 
> you can), because that has to work (and indeed works fine in a fresh app).  


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