Thanks fixed in trunk.

On Thursday, 27 December 2012 13:01:11 UTC-6, Felipe Meirelles wrote:
> Hey hey, just solved it, if you can patch:
> line 4104:
>         def connector(driver_args=driver_args):
>             return rdbms.connect(charset='utf8', **driver_args)
> the credits goes to this post as in cloud sql documentation is never 
> mentioned this charset parameter to the development db:
> Thanks all.
> On Thursday, December 27, 2012 4:47:08 PM UTC-2, Felipe Meirelles wrote:
>> It also fails when rendering the grid, but again, only in development 
>> server, wich makes me think its something related to google sdk.
>> Is there some ideia?
>> On Thursday, December 27, 2012 12:51:23 PM UTC-2, Felipe Meirelles wrote:
>>> I'm using GAE + Google Cloud SQL and when I insert some data to local 
>>> server with special chars like in "Água" it saves the data, but when i try 
>>> to retrieve it i get an encoding error from python.
>>> In production it is automaticaly encoded to \u00c1gua and saves to DB. 
>>> Is it some mysql feature that Google Cloud SQL has as default or some 
>>> diference in the implementation of the adapters?
>>> Thanks


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