On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 5:18 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you please open a ticket about this?

There is already one opened for this :
Unless your email was meant for Boris and his buttonurl code change. (It it
addresses same problem, so same issue can be used ?)


> On Wednesday, 26 December 2012 13:40:15 UTC-6, BJ wrote:
>> The problem is in sqlhtml.py
>> In latest version from line 2293-2297 is following content:
>> if deletable and (not callable(deletable) or deletable(row)):
>>                         row_**buttons.append(gridbutton(
>>                             '**buttondelete', 'Delete',
>>                             ca**llback=url(args=['delete', tablename, id
>> ]),
>>                             de**lete='tr'))
>> but it should be:
>> if deletable and (not callable(deletable) or deletable(row)):
>>                         row_buttons.append(gridbutton(
>>                             'buttondelete', 'Delete',
>>                             buttonurl=url(args=['delete', tablename,
>> id]), <--- Missing line to define URL for Delete button
>>                             callback=url(args=['delete', tablename, id]),
>> <--- We need this for warning message (I believe so?)
>>                             delete='tr'))
>> But we also need to update gridbutton function (line 1806) because we
>> need button URL and warning. I have tried to add "buttonurl" but now the
>> record is deleted even if I select "Cancel".
>> I don't know how to fix this because I don't how to handle callback.
>> Boris
>> Dne sreda, 19. december 2012 17:23:18 UTC+1 je oseba Mandar Vaze napisala:
>>> I know it is a tough one, but can you guess what "could" be the problem
>>> ? As I mentioned, "explicitly" adding db.commit() helps "resolve" the
>>> problem (Whether in gluon/sqlhtml.py or separately in my custom ondelete)
>>> Does that give you any hints ? I debugged but (obviously) couldn't find
>>> the culprit.
>>> Any pointers on how to troubleshoot/debug this ? I think at least one
>>> more person has similar problem (One that started this thread)
>>>> Really not relevant all the modify_grid() part. That doesn't belong to
>>>> web2py, which you are addressing the bug to.
>>> I know. But it was something different - so I thought it may be relevant.
>>>> Without the table model, all code is quite useless. We don't need your
>>>> app. Just *an* app showing the problem.
>>> Ahh, I see. Let me try to create that (app)
>>> -Mandar
>>  --


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