Interesting. If dal works everything should work then. I will take a look 

On Monday, 17 December 2012 13:19:03 UTC-6, wwwgong wrote:
> Massimo,
> Thanks for your quick reply. For most part, web2py worked with IPython 
> Notebook like DAL, which is pretty good.
> My interest is to to reuse web2py for managing notebooks without 
> developing Tornado apps myself as I am new to python and web2py.
> W.
> On Sunday, December 16, 2012 10:13:16 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Unfortunately I am not sure you can run web2py with Ipython notebook. The 
>> reason is that the notebook is a web interface and the statements are 
>> executed server side. The notebook server may execute the statements in 
>> different threads (I am not sure but from the tracebacks that is what it 
>> looks like). The web2py modules assume no data is shared among threads 
>> since one tread serves one request at the time.
>> I would need to understand better the notebook concurrency model before 
>> this can be addressed.
>> Massimo
>> On Sunday, 16 December 2012 18:35:06 UTC-6, wwwgong wrote:
>>> I have watched video at and try to use 
>>> web2py inside IPython Notebook, but run into 
>>> the following error:
>>> form = SQLFORM(db.ipynotebooks)
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------AttributeError
>>>                             Traceback (most recent call 
>>> last)<ipython-input-36-c6b1cb76b770> in <module>()----> 1 form = 
>>> SQLFORM(db.ipynotebooks)
>>> D:\web2py_git\gluon\sqlhtml.pyc in __init__(self, table, record, deletable, 
>>> linkto, upload, fields, labels, col3, submit_button, delete_label, showid, 
>>> readonly, comments, keepopts, ignore_rw, record_id, formstyle, buttons, 
>>> separator, **attributes)    911                linkto=URL(f='table/db/')    
>>> 912         """--> 913         T = current.T    914     915         
>>> self.ignore_rw = ignore_rw
>>> AttributeError: 'thread._local' object has no attribute 'T'
>>> I have created a gist at
>>> Thanks,
>>> W


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