Hi Folks, can anyone suggest a way to deal with firewalls and run rocket so 
that we can share the App?
my usual error when rocket tries to open the welcome page is :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "gluon/restricted.py", line 205, in restricted
  File "F:/Web2Py/applications/welcome/models/db.py" 
</admin/default/edit/welcome/models/db.py>, line 14, in <module>
  File "gluon/dal.py", line 5968, in __init__
RuntimeError: Failure to connect, tried 5 times:

I can open the admin area and edit the apps etc, just not run the app or 
welcom... frustrating.

Thanks heaps...

On Friday, December 14, 2012 2:53:18 PM UTC+1, Seelife wrote:
> Hi Folks, Ok at least some progress.
> I can get rocket to work with on my computer, and then open the 
> app with http://myip/app/etc etc
> But if I try to open that app now by accessing my computer from a second 
> computer via the IP then the page is blocked I guess by the network 
> firewall.'
> Cos we dont have admin control of our computers we cant turn off or modify 
> the firewall (yet).
> Any ideas what to do to access from behind firewalls?
> thanks
> On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:42:56 AM UTC+1, Seelife wrote:
>> Hi Folks, If this is a basic question, my apologies.
>> I have an App Ive built in web2py.  Ican run on my local computer or 
>> place the whole web2py installation on a shared network disc, access 
>> web2py.exe and start up the browser & open my app and all works fine.
>> But here are the questions :
>> How do I start web2py from a networked windows machine so that it opens 
>> both web2py and my app only
>> I would like to open the App on at least 2 machines.  
>> I assume that I would open one instance of web2py with srat parameters 
>> that allow it to "listen" to other requests.
>> Can someone give me simple stupid examples as to how to open the first 
>> machine and get web 2py running with my app, then what webaddress or 
>> whatever to open the second machine to access the app.
>> There should be no problems in record locks as it is purely a logging 
>> data app.
>> I am not a network expert, so please give me a simple way to open on a 
>> windows desktop.
>> Thank heaps


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