>From what I saw, it does not support many fundamental features of python, like class-inheritance (class, classMethod) modules (__import__, from, as), scope (globals, nonlocal) and parsing (exec, eval). I think these are trivial for python developement, and should have some kind of design-pattern transpiling specification that it follows. I think CoffeeScript actually has many of these already implemented, as is quite pythonic already in much of it's syntax - and is much closer to JavaScript in the first place and already has tons of tools for denugging, client/server-side automatic-transpiling, bundled up in minification/compression algorythms, etc...
It's a cool idea, and pyjammas has existed for a long time now, but is anyone seriously thinking about using that in production? I think as long as browsers don't have some kind of cross-language VMs, or at least a PVM built-in/plugin, than with all the excitement, it will remain useless. I mean, how do you debug this? --