new patch with small changes



--- /home/jose/trabajos/dbfw2p/web2py/applications/welcome/controllers/	2012-12-03 23:40:06.000000000 -0300
+++ /home/jose/trabajos/dbfw2p/web2py/applications/modelografico/controllers/	2012-12-15 21:00:41.000000000 -0300
@@ -460,3 +460,54 @@
     return dict(form=form, total=total,
                 ram=ram, disk=disk, object_stats=hp != False)
+def table_template(table):
+    def f(x):
+        if x.type == 'string':
+            return x.length
+        elif x.type == 'id':
+            return B('pk')
+        elif x.type.find('reference') >= 0:
+            return B('fk')
+        else:
+            return ' '
+    header = '''<TR><TD COLSPAN="3" CELLPADDING="4" ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#FFA21F"><FONT FACE="Helvetica Bold" COLOR="white">%s</FONT></TD></TR>'''%table
+    fields = []
+    for field in db[table].fields:
+        fields.append(
+        '''
+            <TR>
+                <TD ALIGN="LEFT" CELLPADDING="4" BORDER="0"><FONT COLOR="#7B7B7B" FACE="Helvetica Bold">%s</FONT></TD>
+                <TD ALIGN="LEFT" CELLPADDING="4" BORDER="0"><FONT COLOR="#7B7B7B" FACE="Helvetica">%s</FONT></TD>
+                <TD ALIGN="CENTER" CELLPADDING="4" BORDER="0"><FONT COLOR="#7B7B7B" FACE="Helvetica">%s</FONT></TD>
+            </TR>
+        '''%(db[table][field].name, db[table][field].type, f(db[table][field])))
+    return '''< <TABLE BGCOLOR="#F1F2AD" BORDER="1" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0">%s %s</TABLE> >'''%(header, ' '.join(fields))
+def bg_graph_model():
+    import pygraphviz as pgv
+    A=pgv.AGraph(layout='dot', directed=True, strict=False, rankdir='LR')
+    for table in db.tables:
+        A.add_node(table, name=table, shape='plaintext', label=table_template(table))
+    for table in db.tables:
+        for field in db[table].fields:
+            f_type = db[table][field].type
+            if f_type.find('reference') >= 0:
+                referenced_table = f_type.split()[1]
+                n1 = A.get_node(table)
+                n2 = A.get_node(referenced_table)
+                A.add_edge(n1, n2, color="#4C4C4C", label='')
+    A.layout()
+    return A.draw(format='png', prog='dot')
+def graph_model():
+    return dict(databases=databases)

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