How did that get in there? Fixed in trunk. Thanks Joel for reporting this.

On Tuesday, 11 December 2012 02:51:15 UTC-6, Joel Samuelsson wrote:
> I'm not sure if we're using the same web2py version. I am using the 
> current stable release (2.2.1). The call to listdir looks like this (just 
> downloaded a fresh copy and double-checked):
> models = listdir(path, '^\w+\.py$', 0, sort=False)
> I.e. sort=False. Otherwise, what you describe is true. With sort=False 
> though, sort order is not alphabetical and what you describe does not work 
> since you can't know in what order models are run.
> /Joel
> Den måndagen den 10:e december 2012 kl. 17:10:43 UTC+1 skrev Anthony:
>> I've been testing the way you described above and it works, to a point. 
>>> The models are not imported in alphabetical order. This seems to be 
>>> controlled by this line (521):
>> models = listdir(path, '^\w+\.py$', 0, sort=False) in
>>> listdir is essentially os.walk with a regexp for filtering and os.walk 
>>> doesn't give any guarantees for ordering at all from what I understand.
>> Note, it is not os.listdir -- it is the listdir function from 
>> gluon/, which does sort the files alphabetically: 
>>> Later in compileapp, the models found with listdir are looped through, 
>>> once (not dependant on the regexp) which gives changing the regexp between 
>>> models limited use.
>> It loops through the files alphabetically -- within any given file, 
>> response.models_to_run can be changed, which can affect whether models that 
>> come *later* in alphabetical order get run (obviously it cannot cause 
>> models that come earlier in alphabetical order to be run). Using 
>> response.models_to_run does not change the order in which models are run, 
>> nor the ability of later models to affect earlier ones. It merely controls 
>> which models get run, with some ability for earlier models to make dynamic 
>> changes that affect later ones.
>>> To explain my issue, I'll try to use an example. Please bear with me!
>>> Let's say I have the following models:
>>> dbInterface/
>>> anotherInterface/
>>> Now let's assume that listdir lists the models root dir first, then 
>>> anotherInterface dir and then dbInterface dir.
>> That should be exactly how listdir lists the models.
>>> I want the dbInterface to load before anotherInterface since 
>>> anotherInterface is dependant on dbInterface.
>> Very simple -- just change the names so dbInterface comes before 
>> anotherInterface.
>>> Is there any way I can control the order things are imported from 
>>> subfolders without changing web2py? I am aware that just setting sort to 
>>> true in the listdir-call will fix my issue but I would like to be able to 
>>> update web2py without having to make that change each time, if possible.
>> As noted, sort is already True, so you should be OK. There is no way to 
>> change the order in which web2py executes the models, though (other than to 
>> generate your folder and file names to produce the order you desire).
>> Anthony


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