The basics is users and groups.
Users are people registered in your app. Groups are their roles:
manager, secretary, financial, and so on.

Each user has at least one role, ie, belongs to at least one group.
This is a membership.

Each group defines a profile, ie, a set of permissions users that
belong to it, can do in your system.
For example: managers can include new employess. Secretaries can add a
contat to the address book.

It's based on RBAC:

Vinicius Assef

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 3:09 PM, sasogeek <> wrote:
> I don't understand very well from the documentation what groups, membership
> and permissions are. I'm creating an app where i want to allow user to tag
> posts, and other users can see those posts if they are "subscribed" to any
> of those tags. if they're not, then they don't have permission to see those
> posts.
> --


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