this seems to me like a bug in polymodel on GAE.  my guess is that the 
proper implementation would be to have 2 tables, location_outdoor and 
location_indoor in the GAE database.  does this seem correct to you?

i can't guarantee my speed right now...but i can look into the DAL and see 
if i can find a problem with polymodel on GAE.  can you file a ticket in 
google code as well so we don't forget?



On Friday, November 30, 2012 2:27:21 PM UTC-8, Gian Luca Decurtins wrote:
> HI cfh
> You're right. As far as I can see in the datastore viewer there is only 
> one table. There is also a class value available.
> I did try a few more things (resetting local datastore and removing the 
> entries in index.yaml) but I'm not able to access all three tables using 
> the following controller:
> @auth.requires_signature()
> def form():
>     table = request.args(0)
>     if not table in db.tables(): redirect(URL('error'))
>     db[table].id.readable = False
>     form = SQLFORM.grid(db[table],args=request.args[:1], 
> user_signature=True)
>     return dict(form=form)
> When I do call "
> http://localhost:8080/init/location/form/location_outdoor?_signature=xxx' 
> I receive:
> AttributeError: 'location' object has no attribute 'country'
> When I call "
> http://localhost:8080/init/location/form/location_indoor?_signature=xxx' 
> I receive:
> AttributeError: 'location_outdoor' object has no attribute 
> 'location_outdoor'
> Right after resetting the datastore I'm able to access 'location, 
> 'location_outdoor' and 'location_indoor'. Once I create an indoor or 
> outdoor location I'm not able to access the other form anymore. The 
> 'location' form is still available.
> I'm trying to store all location information (outdoor / indoor) in one 
> polymodel. I do want to take advantage of having to have only one reference 
> between devices and locations.
> Any suggestions?
> Greetings
> -Luca.
> Am Donnerstag, 29. November 2012 19:27:03 UTC+1 schrieb howesc:
>> i have not used polymodels so i can't answer the last question.....but 
>> about that last one, when you access the GAE datastore viewer (as provided 
>> by GAE), what is the name of the table/model that is stored there?  does it 
>> store location_indoor  and location_outdoor, or just location with optional 
>> fields?  (i'd personally expect the former, but your experience sounds like 
>> the latter).
>> for your other questions see the example under this heading 
>>  few paragraphs in it shows a controller that can handle any table.
>> cfh
>> On Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:41:40 AM UTC-8, Gian Luca Decurtins 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> Given the following model (polymodel location -> location_outdoor & 
>>> location_indoor) on GAE:
>>> define_table('location',
>>>     Field('name', 'string'),
>>>     Field('active', 'boolean'),
>>>     polymodel = True)
>>> define_table('location_outdoor',
>>>     db.location,
>>>     Field('country', 'string'),
>>>     Field('city', 'string'),
>>>     Field('postcode', 'string'),
>>>     Field('street', 'string'),
>>>     Field('building', 'string'),
>>>     polymodel = db.location)
>>> define_table('location_indoor',
>>>     db.location
>>>     Field('location_outdoor', db.location_outdoor),
>>>     Field('floor', 'string'),
>>>     Field('room', 'string'),
>>>     polymodel = db.location)
>>> - Is there a way to create a generic controller (using SQLFORM.grid) 
>>> which is able to create outdoor or indoor locations (display either 
>>> location_outdoor or location_indoor fields)?
>>> I'm thinking of a select field where I can select the class. Depending 
>>> on the class it will show the available fields.
>>> I should be able to modify the SQLFORM.grid to get view and edit 
>>> operations to use the correct class. But what about the create operation?
>>> - How can I add an extra field to the SQLFORM.grid view form which 
>>> displays the location? I would like to add a field which does contain a 
>>> generated QR-code.
>>> - Why are the indexes in index.yaml always called "location" and not 
>>> "location_outdoor" and "location_indoor"? I'm often receiving the error 
>>> message that location_indoor does not contain 'city', which is true.
>>> Cheers
>>> -Luca.


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