def index():
    form = auth()

<Storage {'comment': <Storage {'password': '', 'id': '', 'email': ''}>,
'widget': <Storage {'password': <gluon.html.CAT object at 0x04A50950>,
'id': '', 'email': <gluon.html.INPUT object at 0x04A50930>}>, 'end':
<gluon.html.__tag__ object at 0x04A50710>, 'linkto': <Storage {}>, 'begin':
<gluon.html.XML object at 0x04A50FB0>, 'submit': <gluon.html.INPUT object
at 0x04A50830>, 'label': <Storage {'password': 'Password', 'id': 'Id',
'email': 'E-mail'}>, 'deletable': '', 'inpval': <Storage {'password': '',
'id': '', 'email': ''}>, 'dspval': <Storage {'password': <gluon.html.XML
object at 0x04A50C70>, 'id': <gluon.html.XML object at 0x04A50C70>,
'email': <gluon.html.XML object at 0x04A50C70>}>}>

That password widget used to be a gluon.html.INPUT same as email but now it
is a CAT

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:

> What change are you referring to? Can you provide more details?
> On Friday, November 30, 2012 9:01:18 AM UTC-6, Felipe Meirelles wrote:
>> Did you changed the password widget on the login form from INPUT to CAT?
>> Is there a reason to this change?
>> I had a placeholder on it and since DIVs dont have this property, my
>> placeholders don't work any more.
>  --

Felipe Meirelles.


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