Please open a ticket. This is not supported at the moment. On Thursday, 29 November 2012 15:25:52 UTC-6, HP wrote: > > Hi! > > I have a database model as follows > > db.define_table('test', > Field('sub_components', 'list:string', > requires=IS_LIST_OF(IS_IN_SET(['A','B','C'],multiple=True)))) > > and a controller as follows: > def create(): > "creates a new component" > form = crud.create(db.test, next=URL('index')) > return dict(form=form) > > and a view as follows: > {{extend 'layout.html'}} > <h1>Create new component</h1> > {{=form}} > > This is all fine. However, he list form does not show a drop down > selection. It validates correctly and multiple items can be added > (since it is a list) but I also want the selection drop down so the user > can pick the valid entry. Ideas? > > Thanks. > >