FYI, I did create an issue for this (#979) in google code.

Mike L

On Monday, November 26, 2012 3:51:52 PM UTC-5, Adi wrote:
> +1 
> this would be a great and needed feature... just stumbled into this 
> problem, and working around it :)
> On Friday, August 31, 2012 5:48:17 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> thanks for your patch? Would you please attach it to a google code issue 
>> so we do not forget. We cannot add new feaures until all 2.0.x issues have 
>> been resolved.
>> On Friday, August 31, 2012 2:41:30 PM UTC-5, Mike Leone wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We're building a web2py application that leverages SQLFORM.smartgrid 
>>> heavily.  Out of the box, this does not support filtering on 1:M 
>>> relationships, or reference fields on the model. We understand the concerns 
>>> about this: It could potentially be a huge performance hit, especially if 
>>> the related table has a large number of rows.
>>> On the other hand, this functionality is very valuable. Being able to 
>>> filter on related tables is a very common need in applications.  Often, 
>>> users need to filter on "lookup" tables that have a relatively small number 
>>> of rows, and the performance hit is negligible. This is a very common 
>>> feature in Django, and in Rails admin interfaces like ActiveScaffold and 
>>> RailsAdmin.
>>> Example:
>>> Given a model like this:
>>> db.define_table('book',
>>>     Field('user_id', 'reference auth_user'),
>>>     Field('title'),
>>>     Field('genre'))
>>> And a controller like this:
>>> def index():
>>>     grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(
>>>     return dict(grid=grid)
>>> The query interface will look like this by default:
>>> Note how this includes title and genre, but not the auth_user reference.
>>> We patched web2py to allow to for 1:M reference fields in the query 
>>> interface. The resulting interface and generated query look something like 
>>> this:
>>> Here is our simple patch to allow searching on reference fields like 
>>> this:
>>> This is obviously NOT ready for production; it's a simple proof of 
>>> concept.  Note the potentially very expensive "ALL" query. Because of the 
>>> performance risks, something like this only makes sense if developers can 
>>> opt in, i.e. explicitly say so if they want to include a given reference 
>>> field in the query interface.
>>> 1. Would the web2py maintiners be interested in a feature like this if 
>>> it is opt-in?  I'm willing to devote some time to submit a more robust 
>>> patch if I could get some guidance.
>>> 2. I also have a simple implementation for querying on list:reference 
>>> fields that I can share as well.
>>> Finally, I just want to thank the web2py team. I've really enjoyed using 
>>> the framework and hope to help out as much as I can.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike Leone
>>> Principal, Engineering
>>> Panoptic Development, Inc.


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