> Thank you lyn2py ...

Unfortunately, your proposition does not work !

In this situation,  I wanted to practice the DRY principal ( DONT REAPEAT 
YOURSELF ) ... but it seems  ( based on my limited knowledge  ) 
the only way that I succeeded was in duplicating the exact same view page 
of index.html and named it member.html and offcourse by passing  the  
dictionnary membr as argument in order to view other 
members of the site

I did it like this :  ( it is very simplist ... but it is the only way I 
got it to work ! )
def index():
   return dict()
def member():
    for row in db(db.auth_user.id == db.auth_user(request.args(0))).select
        membr = row          
    return dict(membr=membr)

that way, when the user gets logged in, that user goes to his profile page 
at profile/index.html and can edit and manage his own profile etc ...

and when any other user wishes to simply view someone's else profile page  
they get to go to  profile/member/#    where the # is the user id of that 
member and not edit possible .. just comments on that user's wall can be 
made or to look around based on that user's personal preferences etc ...

I wanted to have one single view page  ... but .. hey ... I guess I will 
have to settle for this scenario for the time being ... until I come up 
with another way to have one view page for both actions !



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