On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:19:25 AM UTC+1, Amit wrote:
> If I use A instead of button then its calling perfectly but i have to show 
> Delete as a button not as a link.

Style the A as a button. With bootstrap's included just add a class = btn .

> Second observation: if I am adding Delete button/link beside Search and 
> Clear button, and if I click Query input field, its not showing query 
> filling fields(drop down menu,conditional fields, New,Close buttons etc...)

That's because you're not appending an element, you are replacing [0][1][1] 
with your own. Use append if you want to preserve what is there.

> And third point is : suppose I want to pass the selected query to function 
> "test", how can I do that?
_onclick="window.location = '" + URL('test') + "' + 
$('#web2py_keywords').serialize(); return false;")

But dude, seriously, learn some javascript :-P


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