Greetings... I have a bash script that uses cURL to send a json packet of data in order to save it in sqlite DB.
#!/bin/bash message=$1 uid=$2 url="https://somehost" curl -v -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"message\": \"This will prbbly be my lst post.\", \"uid\": \"\"}" $url ** message and uid are hardcoded at this point but will take the values dynamically once I see it working. Here is my table defined: db.define_table('messages', Field <>('uid', 'string'), Field <>('message', 'text'), Field <>('status', 'string', default='unsent'), Field <>('added', 'datetime', default=request <>.now), Field <>('modified', 'datetime', default=request <>.now)) *I've tried many variations of the cURL command and ran in to various errors. The above cURL command gives the error: *<type 'exceptions.KeyError'> 'id' Any help would be greatly appreciated. --