really don't know (but probably to ckeck for nulls)

the complete code is 

def BELONGS(self, first, second):
        if isinstance(second, str):
            return '(%s IN (%s))' % (self.expand(first), second[:-1])
        elif second==[] or second==():
            return '(1=0)'
        items = ','.join(self.expand(item, first.type) for item in second)
        return '(%s IN (%s))' % (self.expand(first), items)

Il giorno martedì 6 novembre 2012 18:01:59 UTC+1, Marin Pranjić ha scritto:
> Done:
> Is there a reason for
> elif second==[] or second==()
> while it could easily be
> elif not second
> ?
> This should fix it.


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