Hi Niphod.  
I am now adding the attributes with jQuery,  but I shall look at custom 
widgets too because that might be better.  
I wondered though why we don't have kwargs on Field,  but maybe Massimo 
didn't think it would be so useful.
Many thanks for clarifying!  

On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 8:46:32 PM UTC, Niphlod wrote:
> no, factory generates your form based on fields. 
> If you don't code your own widget and pass it into the field definition, 
> the the default widget is used. 
> You can hack the form with form.elements notation, but I'll go for a 
> custom widget in your case.
> On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 9:21:40 PM UTC+1, villas wrote:
>> Using SQLFORM.factory can I easily produce an input field like this?
>> <input type="text" data-provide="typeahead">
>> I thought it must be possible to create extra attributes for Fields,  but 
>> couldn't figure it out...
>> In this example it is for using Bootstrap Typeahead.  
>> If not possible,  no prob because I shall work around it in this case.
>> Thanks,  D


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