no validators ready, but a pure-python aes implementation is included in recent web2py, ready to be used as a slip-in if aes is not found on python path (faster because uses the underlying C implementation of the crypto library available). Look at gluon.utils.secure_dumps and gluon.utils.secure_loads for an implementation. it's what web2py is using for storing session in cookies. When you have done, share your validator, and I don't doubt that if no bugs are found it will be included as a standard in future web2py versions.
On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:09:52 PM UTC+1, Jim S wrote: > > Hi - Starting a new HR tracking app and I need to encrypt my SSN field in > the db. I found this post ( > ) from > some time ago and wondering if there has been anything added since then > related to validators for encryption.I haven't worked with encryption much > in the past and would appreciate any pointers. > --