It is you really want I can delete it but I'd rather not. lyn2py is right. 
This will help others.

On Wednesday, 31 October 2012 02:38:35 UTC-5, Viliam Oršula wrote:
> Hmm... It doesn't work this way. I just deleted my question, not whole 
> conversation. If someone has permission for deleting conversation, please 
> do so.
> I'm sorry for my noobishness. I'm new here. 
> Dňa streda, 31. októbra 2012 8:34:45 UTC+1 Viliam Oršula napísal(-a):
>> I'm sorry to take your time. I found out, that field were not only 
>> hidden, but disabled too. That coused them not to send.
>> Thank you for your suggestions anyway.
>> I will delete this question, since it is useless.
>> Dňa streda, 31. októbra 2012 4:10:46 UTC+1 lyn2py napísal(-a):
>>> Yes, the fields are available in request.post_vars like Cliff said. Use 
>>> {{=response.toolbar()}} in your views and look under "request" after you 
>>> submit your form.
>>> On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:08:53 PM UTC+8, Viliam Oršula wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm writing simple webpage for adding purchased items into database. 
>>>> There is one div(*newItem*) with fields as *itemName*, *itemID*, *price
>>>> * and add button. *itemID* is hidden field, which is filled with value 
>>>> from DB(ajax) according to user input.
>>>> I don't want to submit page until list of purchased items is complete, 
>>>> therefore I use javascript to copy my*newItem* div into form. At the 
>>>> beginning, form has no divs no fields, just submit button. I can add as 
>>>> many items as I like and then hit submit button and form is submitted.
>>>> My problem is: *All data are submitted except for hidden fileds.*
>>>> If I googled right this is due to security reasons.
>>>> How can I solve it preserving this:
>>>> 1. Form is submitted just after filling whole purchase list, not after 
>>>> every item. (For that form has to remain javascript generated as it is. Or 
>>>> not?)
>>>> 2. Form has to have hidden fields, because I need get some data, which 
>>>> user is not supposed to see. (Or is there better way of doing this than 
>>>> using hidden fileds?)
>>>> Is there easy solution to my problem, or am I doing this completely 
>>>> wrong?


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