Why the redirection?

grid accepts a "search_widget" parm where you can create your own widget. 
 Why not figure out how to use that?

Admittedly the manual doesn't help much, but you have the source code in 

On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:48:11 AM UTC-4, Mandar Vaze wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently added a new SQLFORM.grid which is created based on parameters 
> selected in previous controller function. 
> The query used is based on the request.vars passed from previous 
> controller. I can see the grid alright.
> (Something like this 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/web2py@googlegroups.com/msg30769.html Except 
> instead of SQLTABLE I am using SQLFORM.grid)
> Problem : 
> The "extended" functionality of SQLFORM.grid doesn't seem to work like 
> "View", "Search", and Pagination etc. Since they call the same controller 
> (but there are no request.vars this time)
> I was able to workaround for "view" where I check if request.args(0) 
> =='view', and then redirect to another controller, where record ID is 
> available as request.args(2)
> But I don't know what to do for Search and Pagination.
> I think there is a better way, and I wouldn't have to "workaround" for 
> "view" either.
> Here is pseudo-code just to give better idea :
> def chooseView():
>      # Form with two drop downs where user chooses parameters for the 
> report
>      # Similar to index function from the URL provided below
>      if form.accepts(request.vars, session):                             
>          redirect(URL(r=request, f='viewReport', vars=request.vars))
> def viewReport():
>      # Following is hack, wanna get rid of if possible
>      if request.args(0) in ['view']:                                     
>           redirect(URL('default', 'viewRecordDetails', args=request.args,vars
> =request.vars)) 
>      # Checks like filter1, filter2 exists in request.vars
>      filter1 = requesr.vars.filter1
>      filter2 = requesr.vars.filter2
>      reportQry = db((db.table.field1 == filter1) & (db.table.field2 ==filter2
> ))
>      grid = SQLFORM.grid(reportQry.query, create=False, editable=False,csv
> =False, deletable=False, searchable=True)
>      return dict(grid=grid)
> Problem now if when I click on search, viewReport is called with 
> request.vars as follows :
> <Storage {'keywords': 'Text I searched'}>
> When I click on View button in the grid, viewReport is called with 
> request.args as follows :
> ['view', 'table', '83']
> I was able workaround this as explained above.
> I did not capture data when clicked on one of the numbers in the 
> pagination bar. But I guess viewReport is called with some request params.
> Please suggest what is the correct way to handle so that "built-in" 
> functionality like view, search, pagination etc work.
> (On web2py 2.0.9 and 2.0.8 - both have problem - in case it matters)
> Thanks in anticipation
> -Mandar


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