I don't understand you last sentence... Even if you move your db into sub
folder the need to be defined with db.table_define(...)?!

Also, maybe you just had "set migrate_enabled=False" in your db connection


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Don_X <don.clerm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Richard .. at this stage ! ... the controller file  for each sub directory
> table files are not the issue ... for now ...
> the tables are not getting created at all ! ...
> what I did to start fresh
> 1) i delete the database files  in the database directory
> 2) delete the session files in the session directory
> 3) delete the MySQL db and recreate a new one with no tables
> 4) I moved the tables and certain variables definitions from the db.py
> MODELS ( except for auth_user and other variables related to these other
> tables ) to 4 different sub directories in MODELS
> 5) I moved certain def functions related to these tables to
> "New_Name_directory.py" in controller, just like their related MODELS file
> ( same name as their MODELS/New_Name_directory/new_name.py
> 6) moved the corresponding view files and renamed them according to the
> the directory scheme, so it can respond appropriately.
> the first launch was ok ! .. auth_user table is created in the db ... good
> !
> when I call on the view related to its related controller action ... i get
> the error described above ... and  I realized that the tables did not even
> get to be created ! ..
> so the problem is with the MODELS/New_Name_directory/new_name.py
> There is something that I am not doing !!?? ... I don't know what it is ?
> ...
> so i want to have an example of how does the new_name.py of ( in
> MODELS/sub_directory/new_name.py )  should present itself, what does it
> need to say before db.table_define, what does it contain besides the table
> definition and variables ...??? ...
> thank you
> Don
> --


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