I'd go for this if the session is small and does not contain critical 
information. So it is good to have this option.

marți, 16 octombrie 2012, 22:27:01 UTC+3, Niphlod a scris:
> On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 7:46:16 PM UTC+2, VP wrote:
>> I think one advantage of moving session data to the client side is 
>> scalability.  There ought to be a noticeable difference between 100 
>> processes writing to the same filesytem and these computations moved to the 
>> client side.   
> yep, you "save" the filesystem for accesses, but the time taken 
> serializing/deserializing remains the same, plus there's 
> encryption/decryption and the time took to send extra bytes back and forth 
> server and client. There's no "computation" moved to the client side. 
> Anyway, it's another option you can use with web2py, and as always, to be 
> chosen with a grain of salt.


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