I have called auth.impersonate(0) to finish impersonation. Now (Version 2.1.1) I see:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "H:\...\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 209, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "H:/.../applications/secure/controllers/default.py" <>, line 3988, in <module> File "H:\...\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 187, in <lambda> self._caller = lambda f: f() File "H:/.../applications/secure/controllers/default.py" <>, line 1932, in impersonateEnd auth.impersonate(0) File "H:\...\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 2755, in impersonate return SQLFORM(table_user, user.id, readonly=True) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'user' referenced before assignment My function: def impersonateEnd(): auth.impersonate(0) redirect(URL('index',vars=dict(flash=T('End of impersonation')))) What ist the best way to end impersonation? Regards, Martin --