finally solved ! with a different approach alltogether ! I have a short sign-up form and a long sign-up form for the same auth_user table ! the short sign-up form deals with the first fields with requires defined in the model while the additional fields do not have any requires and most are set to writable false.
the long sign-up process gets to have all the missing "field requires" declaration in the controller with the writable set to true The short sign-up form provides the subscriber with a default pic that he will be able to change once he access his profile. I am glad to say that the was used in preference to the smarthumb plugin from Bruno in order to resize images and make thumbnails out of the ones uploaded by the subscriber and the user can also choose one of the default pic displayed on the long sign-up form ! the proper default pic is then stored in the proper user record ( 2 pics, a headshot 120x120 + a thumbnail of 32x32 ) ( this last action will changed later in order to save space on the disk so I don't have to upload and store the same default pics every time a user registers ! i will figure out how to use the same default pics previously stored in the uploads folder and in the previous registrations for all future subscribers without re-uploading it every time, or re-copying it all the time... there is a series of 3 default possible pics for auth-users ) I had some difficulty with insert vs update vs update_record, they are very different and i figured it out ... it was a very good learning experience for me ! ... if any one wishes to see how this was done with a form wizard and default pic choice and inclusion in the user table record ... just asks .. and I will share ! Don --