Ok, with some modifications can be run on windows with anyserver.py . So, I remain with one only doubt ... is tornado on Windows fully tested ?
def motor(app, address, **options): import motor app = motor.WSGIContainer(app) http_server = motor.HTTPServer(app) http_server.listen(address=address[0], port=address[1]) #http_server.start(2) motor.IOLoop.instance().start() @Ricardo: the part issuing the fork was https://github.com/rpedroso/motor/blob/master/t_wsgi.py#L19. When you replace it with http_server.start() it's fine (i.e. doesn't try to call os.fork()). However, in "normal" tornado recipes (and in anyserver.py ) normally http_server.start() is never used.... I'm a tornado newbie, is that line useful for something (of course apart having two processes started) ? --