Oops. This was a mistake. It should now be fixed in trunk. Can you try it?

On Monday, 1 October 2012 10:44:35 UTC-5, Adi wrote:
> Sorry for bringing this up again. The code hasn't changed in 
> admin/default/edit_language, and should work as before, but doesn't in my 
> case. Anyone else sees TEXTAREA if translation string > 40 characters when 
> editing languages? Thanks.
> def edit_language():
>     """ Edit language file """
>     app = get_app()
>     filename = '/'.join(request.args)
>     strings = read_dict(apath(filename, r=request))
>     if '__corrupted__' in strings:
>        form = SPAN(strings['__corrupted__'],_class='error')
>        return dict(filename=filename, form=form)
>     keys = sorted(strings.keys(),lambda x,y: cmp(unicode(x,'utf-8').lower
> (), unicode(y,'utf-8').lower()))
>     rows = []
>     rows.append(H2(T('Original/Translation')))
>     for key in keys:
>         name = md5_hash(key)
>         s = strings[key]
>         (prefix, sep, key) = key.partition('\x01')
>         if sep:
>             prefix = SPAN(prefix+': ', _class='tm_ftag')
>             k = key
>         else:
>             (k, prefix) = (prefix, '')
>         _class='untranslated' if k==s else 'translated'
>         *if len(key) <= 40:
>             elem = INPUT(_type='text', _name=name, value=s,
>                          _size=70,_class=_class)
>         else:
>             elem = TEXTAREA(_name=name, value=s, _cols=70,
>                             _rows=5, _class=_class)*
> On Tuesday, September 25, 2012 3:19:55 PM UTC-4, Adi wrote:
>> If I remember well, previously language files displayed multi-line text 
>> input fields for longer strings, instead of one line. 
>> I deal with lot of translated text, and it is much easier to visually 
>> spot problems in text fields. 
>> Any possibility to re-introduce text fields in Languages where string 
>> length > 255 or something like that?  
>> Thanks,
>> Adnan


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