The editor is not supposed to expire the session because there is a
keepalive ajax request.
If it is disconnecting you than there is a bug. Can you add a print
statement to the admin/controller/keepalive and check what is going


On Apr 15, 10:08 pm, Jason Brower <> wrote:
> A minor issue I am sure, but when I am developing I leave all the
> windows open just the way a like and suspend and comeback at a later
> time.  Doing so makes my editor windows say the have a "communication
> error" because my session timed out.  I would like it to be able to let
> me log back in to my session without losing data that I have done.
> Related is when I edit a document I don't think it should be a green
> bar.  It should only be green when the data is saved.  After that we
> don't know if it has been edited or not.
> BR...
> Jason
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