If required validate it as a date:





On Apr 15, 9:30 am, annet <jmverm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> In a previous post Massimo corrected the following definition:
> SQLField('datum',type='date',requires=[IS_DATE(str(T('%Y-%m-
> %d'))),IS_NOT_EMPTY()])
> It should be:
> SQLField('datum',type='date',requires=IS_DATE(str(T('%Y-%m-
> %d'))))
> In this specific case the date field is required, however, I also have
> a field of type date which is not required, in this case leaving the
> field empty results in the form not passing validation. How do I solve
> this problem?
> Furthermore, I have fields with an IS_MATCH() validator, does IS_MATCH
> () implicate IS_NOT_EMPTY() as well?
> Kind regards,
> Annet
> [IS_MATCH('[1-9]{2}'), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]
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