On Apr 7, 3:36 am, jmverm...@xs4all.nl wrote:
> After fixing this problem I found out something else. I made a static
> layout; plain xhtml and a css. When I use this layout in web 2py the
> header and footer display alright, however the <div id="main"></div>
> and everything within in fall apart, i.e. aren't styled properly.
> e.g. the contents is displayed but the enclosing <div id="contents"></
> div> doesn't have a hight.
> Do you have any idea what causes this problem.

It is hard to tell without having all the pieces involved.
I suggest using Firefox with Firebug, it shows you the exact styling
being used on any element (among a myriad of other valuable info).

> Kind regards,
> Annet
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