> you should know, that I have
> contacted many publishers and I have been unable to find a publisher
> that would allow me to publish the book and also allow me to release
> it for free.

Massimo I'm confused. You say you were trying to find a publisher that
would allow you to give away the soft copy (I assume then that
arrangement still satisfies your academic requirements). But when I
suggested that same arrangement you got quite defensive...

Did you approach Apress? The online Django book was published by


On Apr 6, 3:22 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> First of all this question pops up almost weekly and I have responded
> many times. Anyway, I am going to respond once more, but please first
> ask yourself:
>     How do you earn your leaving? Why don't you work for free?
> I do not make money from the book (just enough to pay for web2py
> expenses, like the web2py pycon hats) but I make money as a professor
> (in order to pay my mortgage and feed my family). In my job I get
> evaluated yearly for my publications not for the open source code I
> write. The printed book counts as a publication and partially accounts
> for the time I spend on web2py.  Moreover a printed book gives web2py
> a certain weight among professionals (who understands that not
> everything comes for free). Finally, you should know, that I have
> contacted many publishers and I have been unable to find a publisher
> that would allow me to publish the book and also allow me to release
> it for free. This is not a book written by the community and there are
> books on Django, Rails, TG, etc, that do not have a free online
> version. The creators of Django make money from software development
> and consulting. For them the book is publicity.
> I find very odd that you ask me to justify why not everything I do is
> free. I guess I could change the business model, give the book for
> free, quit my job and charge you to answer your questions about
> web2py.
> Massimo
> On Apr 5, 6:54 pm, Baron <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Massimo you should place some really deep and exact explanation about
> > the book status and reasons why it is not free to the website..:)
> > agreed - why does Massimo never weigh in on these threads?
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