I am not sure what changed that this FAQ page started erroring - I tried to
make some simple changes (add new line to the end, etc.) and trying to save
that errored.
There should be enough tickets now that Massimo has something to look at.

I made the page inactive (that did seem to succeed) so that people are not
running into that again.

- Yarko

P.s. -  Speaking for experience from web2conf, we found bugtracking useful
for deferred, longer term issues.  I would not recommend just using it for
everything that will / can be fixed "immediately".   We did that for a while
for the conference site, and it created a lot of work updating the
bugtracker.  Conference people wondered which  bug was still valid, etc.

Regardless - report smaller things here first.   (This I would put in a

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Jonathan B <jonathan.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mar 16, 7:14 pm, Kuba Kucharski <kuba.kuchar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There is a problem with pages/faq, internal errorhttps://
> mdp.cti.depaul.edu/admin/default/ticket/wiki/
> Thanks, you are right.
> The following URL gives an error:
> https://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/wiki/default/page/06f7a28e-3532-4c58-866c-52174ec02a40
> Massimo, can you please enable bug tracking in Launchpad so that we
> can start listing and fixing Wiki bugs in an organized way?
> Thanks,
> --Jonathan
> >

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