I am very confused by this.... it is patching web2py? is it patching
sqldesigner? What is the problem you are trying to fix?


On Mar 14, 9:50 pm, Boris Manojlovic <boris.manojlo...@gmail.com>
> as my script is not working with new versions of web2py
> here it is updated to work and will visually give you idea if patching went
> ok.
> Howto: Read it as README :) or just run it as ./README
> P.S. don't forget to reload web2py to make it work (after patching it is
> needed)
> --
> "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
> sure about the former."-Albert Einstein
>  web2py-designer-patches.tar.gz
> 4KViewDownload
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