Hi all,

can you recommend an elegant way to download CSV file from web2py?
Using gluon code, I wrote a controller function that creates good CSV
for me in cStringIO object, but my recordsets are large and I'd like
to stream download file. I.e. approach when I write temp file and then
download it is not good - I want to start file streaming to user
immediately, definitely this involves some manipulations with response

My controller:

def download_csv():
    def none_exception(value):  #taken from gluon.sql
        if isinstance(value, unicode):
            return value.encode('utf8')
        if hasattr(value, 'isoformat'):
            return value.isoformat()[:19].replace('T', ' ')
        if value == None:
            return ''
        return value

    sqlset = ........
    rs = db(sqlset).select()
    outfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
    writer = csv.writer(outfile, dialect='excel-tab')
    columns = [f for f in fields_array if not f.adv_omit_download]
    row = [T(f.name) for f in columns]
    for rec in rs:
        row = [none_exception(eval('rec.' + str(f))) for f in columns]
    outfile.getvalue() #contains valid CSV string but I want to stream
it to user during cycle over rs
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