On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Jonathan B <jonathan.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mar 9, 6:13 am, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think maybe GAE would not be able to handle / host a documentation wiki
> > for us (from what I've heard about data limits on the free accounts).
> According to the official quotas (http://code.google.com/appengine/
> docs/quotas.html), we'd be limited to 1 GB for the free account. I
> think this ought to be enough...

I wonder what will happen the first time you try to update / edit a 5K

> > Will all we need to run, run on GAE?
> I think the answer to this is definitely Yes, since there are always
> workarounds. The question is whether or not the performance will be
> satisfactory. Perhaps someone with more GAE experience than I have
> (someone running a real web app and not just toys) can tell us if it's
> realistic to host a full-fledged Wiki on GAE?

Hmmm.... the easiest workaround might become moving off of GAE...

My point is --- don't prematurely commit to something for the community when
we don't know if it will be useful / useable.   Set up a test wiki first and
see how it goes for you, then a small set of people.... then decide.

> With Massimo/DePaul's consent we can also host on the university
> servers, of course, but this all hinges on Massimo's preferences and
> resources.

We could put on web2py instance at webfaction (for example) too...

> > Will we be able to dump our wiki sources back out?
> For sure, yes.  If the data can be served as HTML, it can be served in
> whatever other form we like.
> Sincerely,
> --Jonathan
> >

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