On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Joseph Jude <ceph...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> I am glad to say that my first app on web2py is hosted in GAE, thanks
> to ease of programming in web2py. It is my attempt to learn new
> concepts (cloud computing, SAAS etc) utilizing my experience (on
> helpdesk, service desk). It is hosted at: http://y-a-t-s-y.appspot.com/.
> I blogged about it at:
> http://www.jjude.com/2009/03/08/a-first-shot-at-web2py/.
> The code is hosted at:
> http://code.google.com/p/y-a-t-s-y/source/browse/trunk.
> This is my first web2py attempt. So if any of the experts here would
> be willing to do a code review, primarily of default.py (http://
> code.google.com/p/y-a-t-s-y/source/browse/trunk) & layout.html (http://
> code.google.com/p/y-a-t-s-y/source/browse/trunk/applications/init/
> views/layout.html), it will help me to improve my coding. Feel free to
> comment on other code as well.
> Having done this far, I do have few questions. Your answers are
> appreciated:
> 1) Login page shows <admin>, <request> etc buttons. How can I hide
> them? Should I have to create a view template? Where should it be in
> the directories? Can it be under my application directory?

This is in the view "generic.html" in your application.   See the =BEAUTIFY

In general, you want to create a view for your application - a generic is
ok;  one to match controller/function name will be called, e.g.   index from
default.py  will try to use a controller views/default/index.html, and so

So, you probably want to create numerous view templates, and start with
making generic.html fit for your app.

> 2) Better yet would be possibility to have login form on the first
> page (index.html) along with other static contents. How can that be
> done?

Start simple - put a link to login, or  just let authorization test if
access to something requires login, and allow it to happen then.

You can put a login on your index page conditionally (login / "you are
logged in" / logout)...

> 3) At logout, control goes back to login page. Can it be routed to
> index.html?

I'll assume you're using the new auth tool;    auth.logout(next='index')

> I've other questions too. I will throw them as I progress along.
> Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to the growth of web2py, even in
> a smaller way.
> Thanks folks,
> Joseph
> >

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