On Mar2, 4:41am, Alexandre Andrade <alexandrema...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Today I was fixed css and really put authentication to work.
> So, at this point, scaffold has:
> - a five spaces layout (logo, section menu, left column, center column,
> right column and footer.
> - a working authentication
> - a secundary menu sistem at left column.
> to do:
> -links to authorization system. (can be done via web2py admin already)
> -examples of crud
> - and my so dreamed wizard to import database models.
> the link to developing application is
> http://hipercenter.com/scaffold
> the link to download 
> ishttp://www.hipercenter.com/downloads/web2py.app.scaffold20090301b.tar
> --
> Atenciosamente

With no doubt, the scaffold will be really useful!

One suggestion about the menu part. IMHO, I don't think "a secundary
menu system at left column" is a good UI design, because users have to
guess which menu, the upper one or the left one, is primary and which
one else is secondary.  A clear way should be the (multi-level) pop-up
menu, like this:
It will be good to use that T3 style menu in scaffold.

One more suggestion is that the recaptcha should better be disabled by
default, so that scaffold works out-of-box for those who does not have
a recaptcha account yet. Now I have to comment out the
"auth.settings.captcha=..." line to go on.

The last problem is that out-of-box scaffold20090301b.tar on web2py
1.56.4 always reports:
  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'lazyT' and 'dict'
when I trying to register a new user. I don't have any experience
about T(...) yet and will check it later and will solve it eventually.
Just curious why this happen in an out-of-box scaffold for me, but
nobody reports this problem. Mmmm

Thanks again.
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