According to:

     "The cgi module will now read variables from the query string of an
     HTTP POST request. This makes it possible to use form actions with
     URLs that include query strings such as
     “/cgi-bin/”. (Contributed by Alexandre Fiori and
     Nubis; issue 1817.)"

     Issue 1817:

This wrecks havoc with the when submitting the default
search query in 'database db select'. As it happens the form POSTs the
form values, and the URL happens to have a query string as well:

This results in 'request.vars.query' to become a list:

     request.vars.query ---->  <type 'list'>, value ---->   
['>0', '>0']

and Web2py to raise to following exception:

     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/Users/gkoller/devel/web2py/gluon/", line  
98, in restricted
         exec ccode in environment
       File "/Users/gkoller/devel/web2py/applications/images/ 
controllers/", line 270, in <module>
       File "/Users/gkoller/devel/web2py/gluon/", line 75,  
in <lambda>
         self._caller = lambda f: f()
       File "/Users/gkoller/devel/web2py/applications/images/ 
controllers/", line 157, in select
         match = regex.match(request.vars.query)
     TypeError: expected string or buffer

Not sure if the CGI module should have been changed in this way in
Python 2.6, or that Web2py should be modified to accomodate CGI's new
behaviour in Python 2.6.

Cheers, Guido

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