Hello Kirby,

I am using web2py as a service on Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7 in
combination with the Helicon ISAP_Rewrite-module.

=> http://www.isapirewrite.com/

If you like, I can give you some more information.


On 26 Feb., 21:38, Kirby Turner <ki...@thecave.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately it doesn't help but gives me something more to  
> research.  I'll also post a message to the isapi-wsgi group to see if  
> someone there has encountered this issue before.
> Thanks,
> On Feb 26, 2009, at 3:04 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Does hits help?
> >http://www.usenet-forums.com/php-language/24828-remote_addr-iis.html
> >http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/Serving+a+Pylons+app+...
> > It seems in IIS ISAPI environment variables are not the environment
> > being bassed.
> > Massimo
> > On Feb 26, 1:39 pm, Kirby Turner <ki...@thecave.com> wrote:
> >> Thanks Massimo.  Another step closer.  I made the recommended changes
> >> and now I get a new error message:
> >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>   File "C:\Python25\lib\wsgiref\handlers.py", line 92, in run
> >>     self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
> >>   File "gluon\rewrite.py", line 129, in <lambda>
> >>     wsgibase_new=lambda e,r: wsgibase(filter_in(e),r)
> >>   File "gluon\rewrite.py", line 50, in filter_in
> >>     key=e['REMOTE_ADDR']+':'+path
> >> KeyError: 'REMOTE_ADDR'
> >> I tested from both the local machine and a remote machine and got the
> >> same message.
> >> -KIRBY
> >> On Feb 26, 2009, at 11:25 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> >>> Try change
> >>>   sys.argv = ['']
> >>> into
> >>>   sys.argv = ['web2py.py']
> >>> and
> >>>   application=ExecuteOnCompletion2(gluon.main.wsgibase, callback)
> >>> into
> >>>   application=gluon.main.wsgibase
> >>> You'd lose the ability to run cron jobs but once the problem is
> >>> isolated we can fix it.
> >>> Let us know.
> >>> Massimo
> >>> On Feb 26, 8:07 am, Kirby Turner <ki...@thecave.com> wrote:
> >>>> Hi All,
> >>>> I feel close to having this working using IIS6+isapi-wsgi+web2py
> >>>> +mssql.  I have encountered an issue within web2py and I'm not sure
> >>>> how to get around it.  I'll talk about the error at the end of this
> >>>> message, but first here is the basics for setting up isapi-wsgi  
> >>>> with
> >>>> web2py under IIS.  I can provide better documentation later after I
> >>>> have everything working.  (Note: I have only tested under IIS6.)
> >>>> My goal is to use isapi-wsgi + web2py under IIS.  To accomplish  
> >>>> this
> >>>> you must install the following (in this order):
> >>>> Python 2.5.4http://python.org
> >>>> Python for Windows Extensionshttp://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/
> >>>> isapi-wsgihttp://code.google.com/p/isapi-wsgi/
> >>>> There is a known bug using Python for Windows Extensions through
> >>>> ISAPI
> >>>> using Python 2.6.1.  This bug has been fixed in the [yet to be
> >>>> released] Python 2.6.2 and Python 3.0.1.  This is really not an  
> >>>> issue
> >>>> for web2py developers because web2py doesn't yet support these 2
> >>>> versions of Python.  Still it's good to know (for people like
> >>>> me<grin>).  More information on the bug is available here:
> >>>>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?
> >>>> func=detail&aid=2609380&grou...
> >>>> I created a new handler called isapi-wsgihandler.py (see attached)
> >>>> that is based on web2py's own wsgihandler.py and added it to the  
> >>>> root
> >>>> web2py directory.  To install this ISAPI extension and setup a
> >>>> website
> >>>> under IIS, execute the following command line:
> >>>> python isapi-wsgihandler.py install
> >>>> This will setup a virtual directory under IIS called web2py.  The
> >>>> virtual directory name is set in the isapi-wsgihandler.py and the
> >>>> local URL is:
> >>>>http://localhost/web2py/
> >>>> To remove the site and uninstall the ISAPI extension from IIS,
> >>>> execute
> >>>> the following command line:
> >>>> python isapi-wsgihandler.py remove
> >>>> To see error messages and print statements while testing the  
> >>>> website
> >>>> under IIS run Win32TraceUtil.py found in the directory C:
> >>>> \Python25\Lib
> >>>> \site-packages\win32\lib.
> >>>> Okay, that's it for the setup.  Now on to the issues I encountered
> >>>> with web2py.
> >>>> I received an error within web2py that said sys.argv did not exists
> >>>> so
> >>>> I added the following to isapi-wsgihandler.py:
> >>>> sys.argv = ['']
> >>>> This fixed the problem but I'm not sure of the impact.  After doing
> >>>> this I now get this error message:
> >>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>>>  File "C:\Python25\lib\wsgiref\handlers.py", line 92, in run
> >>>>    self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
> >>>>  File "gluon\contrib\wsgihooks.py", line 33, in __call__
> >>>>    self.__callback(self.__environ)
> >>>> AttributeError: ExecuteOnCompletion2 instance has no attribute
> >>>> '_ExecuteOnCompletion2__environ'
> >>>> I'm not sure how to get around this issue.  Any suggestions on a  
> >>>> fix?
> >>>> That's the status so far.  As I said I feel like this is very close
> >>>> to
> >>>> working, which will be great.
> >>>> Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear back from my customer with a  
> >>>> yay
> >>>> or nah to use python + web2py instead of ASP.NET MVC.  At the  
> >>>> moment
> >>>> it looks like the customer is going to okay the move, which will  
> >>>> make
> >>>> me very happy even if I have to host the app under IIS.
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> -KIRBY
> >>>> isapi-wsgihandler.py
> >>>> 1KViewDownload

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