I don't have any production experience yet with web2py under IIS but I
do know that it hypothetically runs because the cherrypy webserver
that web2py runs on is wsgi compatible and there is a wsgi adapter for
IIS (http://code.google.com/p/isapi-wsgi/).

I have used MSSQL 2005 with python using the pymssql module and with
pyodbc both with great results.  Pymssql is easier to setup, but uses
a deprecated MS C library for MSSQL.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Kirby Turner <ki...@thecave.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> There is a possibility I can convince a customer of mind to switch
> from ASP.NET MVC to web2py.  The catch?  It must run under IIS 6 with
> SQL Server 2005.  Are there others hosting production web2py apps
> under IIS 6 with MSSQL 2005?  If so, how was the setup experience?
> Difficult, easy?  Any unexpected gotcha?
> I searched the mail group and read the other IIS related threads so my
> gut tells me there are not a lot of people using web2py with IIS.  But
> maybe I'm wrong.
> Thanks,
> >

Best Regards,

Paul Eden

"...and a little looking out for the other guy too."
- Mr. Smith

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