On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Iceberg <iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
> Actually, most kindly buddies already wrote some decent docs. The
> recent two examples I knew is Massimo's excellent doc about the new
> tools:
>  http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/default/tools

Although being better than nothing, I would not give the above page
the status "excellent".  It's hard to grasp the overall picture about
auth from these terse examples, and more important it leaves much
stuff undocumented.

Every now and then code snippets get postet on this list which show
some features which I do not really understand and which seem to be
currently undocumented. Some examples:


table_user is undocumented.

    def register():
        return dict(form = auth.register(next="login"))
    def login():
        return dict(form = auth.login(next="index"))

The 'next' argument is nice, but undocumented.


The 'default' property is undocumented.


multiple is undocumented.


widget may be documented, but I cannot find it in the book nor anywhere else.

This leaves me with the feeling that there is much powerful and
necessary-to-know stuff, which I just cannot use because of missing

Massimo already mentioned that he is currently very busy with several
things and that documentation is one of the top priorities.  I hope it
does not take too long.

Kind regards,

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