oops. Thanks. Massimo
On Feb 16, 11:18 am, Francisco Gama <francisco....@gmail.com> wrote: > hi, thank you for your help. > I tried that with the following code (based on gluon/tools.py - method > define_tables) that intended to make to make the "last_name" field optional > instead of mandatory. Btw, parallel to what I want to show, I believe this > example could be used as proof of concept on how to customize the > authentication in AlterEgo (unless there is an easier way to do it...). > Anyway, to the code: > > from gluon.tools import Mail, Auth, Recaptcha db=SQLDB("sqlite://test.db") > mail=Mail() ## specify your SMTP server mail.settings.server = ' > smtp.yourdomain.com:25' ## specify your email address mail.settings.sender = > '....@yourdomain.com' ## optional: specify the username and password for SMTP > mail.settings.login = 'usern...@password' ## instantiate the Auth class (or > your derived class) auth = Auth(globals(), db) auth.settings.table_user= > db.define_table( auth.settings.table_user_name, db.Field('first_name'), > db.Field('optional_last_name'), db.Field('email'), db.Field('password', > 'password', readable=False), db.Field('registration_key', writable=False, > readable=False), ) auth.settings.table_user.first_name.requires = > IS_NOT_EMPTY() auth.settings.table_user.password.requires = CRYPT() > auth.settings.table_user.email.requires = [IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, > '%s.email' % auth.settings.table_user._tablename)] > auth.settings.table_user.registration_key.default = '' ## ask it to create > all necessary tables auth.define_tables() > ==================== > This code fails to work. I sneak into the web2py's source code and found out > what I believe to be the source of the problem. There is a bug when handling > manual defined user tables. It's just an indentation issue that makes a part > of the default table_user code to be executed (even if you define it > manually). I also found this bugs repeated in all other tables like this. > This patch intends to fix all the bugs of this type to (really) allow manual > customization of the authentication tables. > > Thank you > > Massimo said: > > before > > auth.define_tables() > > you can do > > auth.settings.table_user=.... > > to point it to your own user table with more fields. > > Massimo > > -- > Francisco Gama > > E-mail: blacktho...@ironik.org > MSN: blacktho...@ironik.org > ICQ: 58040653 > Google Talk: francisco....@gmail.com > Skype: francisco_gtr > Cell phone: +351 934420305 > > manual_auth_tables.patch > 5KViewDownload --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/web2py?hl=en -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---