Hi rctay,

some of this is done already. In particular in the example you mention
if a "string" field has length=78, you atomtalically get a IS_LENGTH
(78) validators. Similarly a date field gets a IS_DATE() validators,
etc. This does not apply to 'text' because  most databases impose no
length contraints on TEXT.

Anyway, I will look into improving this without breaking backward


On Dec 31 2008, 8:55 pm, rctay <rcta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm wondering if it's possible to add validation based on the field
> spec into web2py.
> for example, if a field 'text' has length 25, then the field.requires
> list should contain the validator IS_LENGTH(25). this might apply to
> conditions like unique, non-empty, as well.
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