I would just make sure, css file is loaded at all and check out the
path of the css file from html source, does it point to correct


On 22 joulu, 04:02, pmate <pmateh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> in my static/styles.css i added:
> /*User Information*/
>  #logged { width:100%; height:14px; color: black; font-size: 0.75em;
> text-align: right; display:block; margin-top: 0.5em; }
>  #logged p { text-align: right; margin-right: 5.0em; color: #195866; }
> and in my layout.html:
> <div id="logged">
>         {{if t2.logged_in==True:}}
>         <p>{{=session.logged_user}}</p>
>         {{pass}}
> </div>
> so that i have a "bar" under the title, telling who is the logger
> user.
> Ok, when i run web2py locally it shows good: text on the right with
> the font-size i chose, etc.
> But i uploaded myapp in my home server (running debian just like my
> desktop pc) and it shows all on the left, with a  regular font. Just
> like i didn't set anything in the css. I looked at the page source and
> the <div id="logged"> is present.
> Why it acts like so? What have i to change?
> Paolo
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