I created a new swfobject html helper class to manage embedded flash media. I want to share it both for a review and to motivate contribute great tips and content to this framework. I also have some questions like: how to create static links right way? Im using my own Script (and Style) helpers here, take it for a review too, if you like:
SWFOBJECT_JS_URL = '/own/static/swfobject.js' SWFOBJECT_PLAYER_URL = '/own/static/mediaplayer.swf' SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_NO_CONTENT = SPAN(A("Get Flash -player", _href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer", _target="_blank"), " to see the Flash content.") SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 785 SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 380 SWFOBJECT_REQUIRED_FLASH_VERSION = 8 SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_ID = 'flash-player' SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_PLAYER_CLASS = 'flash-players' SWFOBJECT_CONTAINER_CLASS = 'flash-content' class SWFObject(object): """ Flash media player Note: 1) copy swfobject.js, mediaplayer.swf, crossdomain.xml and playlist.xml to /static/ directory 2) see parameter and variable setters from: http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/ Example usage: so = SWFObject(player_id = "my-player") so.addParams(allowfullscreen = "true", allowscriptaccess = "always", seamlesstabbing = "true") so.addVariables(file = '/own/static/playlist.xml', width = 785, height = 380, displaywidth = 560, backcolor = '0xFFFFFF', frontcolor = '0x6666FF', bufferlength = 5, overstretch = 'fit', autoscroll = 'true', thumbsinplaylist = 'false', autostart = 'false') print so """ def __init__(self, sqlobject_url = None, no_flash_content = None, player_id = None, player_url = None, width = None, height = None, required_flash_version = None): self.sqlobject_url = sqlobject_url or SWFOBJECT_JS_URL self.player_id = player_id or SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_ID self.player_url = player_url or SWFOBJECT_PLAYER_URL self.no_flash_content = no_flash_content or SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_NO_CONTENT self.width = width or SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_WIDTH self.height = height or SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT self.required_flash_version = required_flash_version or SWFOBJECT_REQUIRED_FLASH_VERSION self.params = list() self.variables = list() def addParams(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.params.append((key, value)) def addVariables(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.variables.append((key, value)) def _getParams(self): content = '' for key, value in self.params: content += "so.addParam('%s', '%s');%s" % (key, value, NEWLINE) return content def _getVariables(self): content = '' for key, value in self.variables: content += "so.addVariable('%s', '%s');%s" % (key, value, NEWLINE) return content def xml(self): contents = list() contents.append(Script(_src = self.sqlobject_url)) if self.no_flash_content: contents.append(DIV(self.no_flash_content, _id = self.player_id, _class = SWFOBJECT_DEFAULT_PLAYER_CLASS)) script_content = """ var so = new SWFObject('%s', 'mpl', '%s', '%s', '8'); %s%sso.write('%s'); """ % (self.player_url, self.width, self.height, self._getParams(), self._getVariables(), self.player_id) contents.append(Script(script_content)) return DIV(_class = SWFOBJECT_CONTAINER_CLASS, *contents).xml () def __str__(self): return self.xml() class Script(SCRIPT): """ ... """ def xml(self): """ Handle both external and internal script elements >>> print Script('function _alert() { alert("hi!"); }', _language='javascript').xml() <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function _alert() { alert("hi!"); } /* ]]> */ </script> >>> print Script(_language='javascript', _src="/script.js").xml () <script language="javascript" src="/script.js" type="text/ javascript"></script> """ # if there is content, we presume, that this is an internal script element if self.contents: # http://javascript.about.com/library/blxhtml.htm content = '%s/* <![CDATA[ */%s%s%s/* ]]> */%s' % (NEWLINE, NEWLINE, self._getContent(), NEWLINE, NEWLINE) return '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (self.tag_name, self._getAttributes(), content, self.tag_name) # call parent xml method return SCRIPT.xml(self) class Style(STYLE): """ ... """ def xml(self): """ Handle both external and internal style elements >>> print Style(_href="/style.css", _media="screen").xml() <link href="/style.css" media="screen" type="text/css" /> >>> print Style('body {background: #333 url("/bg.gif") no- repeat}').xml() <style type="text/css"> <!-- body {background: #333 url("/bg.gif") no-repeat} --> </style> """ # if there is content, we presume, that this is an internal style element if self.contents: # http://javascript.about.com/library/blxhtml.htm content = '%s<!--%s%s%s-->%s' % (NEWLINE, NEWLINE, self._getContent(), NEWLINE, NEWLINE) return '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (self.tag_name, self._getAttributes(), content, self.tag_name) # call parent xml method return LINK(**self.attributes).xml() SWFObject example creates html like: <div class="flash-content"><script src="/own/static/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script><div class="flash-players" id="my- player"><span><a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" target="_blank">Get Flash -player</a> to see the Flash content.</ span></div><script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var so = new SWFObject('/own/static/mediaplayer.swf', 'mpl', '785', '380', '8'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess', 'always'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen', 'true'); so.addParam('seamlesstabbing', 'true'); so.addVariable('overstretch', 'fit'); so.addVariable('bufferlength', '5'); so.addVariable('frontcolor', '0x6666FF'); so.addVariable('height', '380'); so.addVariable('width', '785'); so.addVariable('displaywidth', '560'); so.addVariable('thumbsinplaylist', 'false'); so.addVariable('file', '/own/static/playlist.xml'); so.addVariable('backcolor', '0xFFFFFF'); so.addVariable('autoscroll', 'true'); so.addVariable('autostart', 'false'); so.write('my-player'); /* ]]> */ </script></div> Please note 1) Style class creates both external and internal style 2) embedded javascript start and end notes, that are fully explained and argued here: http://javascript.about.com/library/blxhtml.htm -Marko --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. 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