What are you trying that you think it's not working?  Can you show the code?
In general,  think like this:

Write out "normal" Python code;

add  {{ }}  around every line;
Everywhere you have an UN-INDENT,  add a {{pass}}

(you don't really need a pass everywhere, only where it's ambiguous - but
that is a good starting point)

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Fran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've added a section within my layout.html with some loops like this:
>  {{for option in options:}}
>  {{pass}}
> What I'd like is to have the ability to put either a {{try:}}
> ((except:}} {{pass}} or an {{if setting:}} {{pass:}} around this.
> This doesn't seem to work, so I guess there's a fundamental issue with
> nested loops in the Views?
> I've worked around my intiial problem (losing access to appadmin), but
> I can foresee this being a really useful option to have available.
> F
> >

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