First a suggestion..

     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):

should be

     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):

do to what you ask you have various options depending on the workflow.
Most of the cases this works


This will not work if the form has self submitted. In that case you
need to pass to the action the url explicitly or store it in a
session.variable. I cannot be more explicit without seeing the
complete action and calling action.

On Dec 2, 6:55 pm, pmate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> my update function ends with:
>    ......
>     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
>         response.flash=T('done!')
>         redirect(URL(r=request,f='select/%s/%s'%(dbname,table)))
> ok, so when a form is validated, an update is performed and there is
> the redirection to a prefixed page.
> But i can have access to update page from wherever i like, right? Is
> there a way, once that form is validated, to be redirected to the page
> that called the update?
> For example, from /default/myfunc/names/26  in my (linkto)list i
> choose one id and i go to update that record in /appadmin/update/db/
> example/idchosen. Once finished i would go back to /default/myfunc/
> names/26 and not to f='select/%s/%s'%(dbname,table).
> How can i do?
> thanks
> english is so bad...
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