I just bought it as well.
I am new to python and of course very new to web2py (I have already
gone through the examples however, and everything worked flawlessly).
Is web2py open source?  I already am very inspired by Massimo's
generosity, but if Massimo were to be abducted by Martians to have
web2py working over there in Mars, will there be a pool of developers
able to support this framework here on Earth?

On Nov 18, 5:45 pm, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.lulu.com/content/4968879
> This is without the Wiley cover since Wiley could not accommodate the
> requirements but it is the same book.
> If you buy it, let me know if lulu.com works  for you.
> Please do not redistribute it or you get me in trouble.
> Massimo

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