
Thanks for your reply. I am working on the implementation, this raised
another question.

In the manual I read that there are three ways to build forms: FORM,
SQLFORM and form_factory. The fields in my form represent the
parameters in the WHERE clause of my database query, so I could use
the form_factory form to build that form, however, I would like the
plaatsnaam field to be an auto-completion field. In the manual the
auto-complete example is implemented in an HTML form, and I don't see
how to combine a form_factory form with the auto-complete
functionality in the example.

My question is: if it is possible, how do I implement auto-complete
functionality in a form_factory form. I think I save myself a lot of
trouble using form_factory forms instead of html forms, because
form_factory forms are self-aware.

Best regards,

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